Sunday, October 21, 2007

Party Assessment

In American society there is a two party system. This is the way it is, and the way it has been since the founders made the Constitution. But the question remains, is this the best way to govern America?

When assessing the two party system one finds a lot of holes and problems in it. In my opinion the biggest problem with the two party system is that there just isn’t enough of a difference between the two parties to provide much of a choice. Sure the two parties have differences, but are they really all that dramatically different? The Democrats want one thing, so the Republicans want something that is different, but not too different. Sadly that is the way that our politics seem to go. Not to say that I’m a huge fan of radical third parties or anything, but it is nice to see some different opinions out there. The American people do not have much of choice when it comes to choosing parties, or is it that the American people don’t want much of a choice?

Maybe the reason why there isn’t much of a choice between the two main parties is that the people don’t want much of a change. We as the people like the idea that if we become dissatisfied with the party that is currently in power, by making a change, that isn’t much of a change at all, to the other main party. This allows us to feel that we have more power than we actually do, and that we are really making a difference by electing one party over the other. In reality we aren’t really making a change that is going to matter all that much. In my opinion that is the biggest problem with the current two party system, both parties are too similar. If we ever want to make a real change in this country one of these days we are going to have to step out side the box and vote for something a little different. But, as of right now we have a two party system involves two parties that are too similar.


Michael Roberts said...

I think that a lot of what you said is personal opinion, not so much fact. Whether or not you or I think there is not much difference between the parties does not matter. I think the most important fact about this is that, it the electoral makes it to hard for a third party to pop up without some huge mistake by both parties. Barring that, I don't see it happening for some time.

DLHery said...

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